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  1. Fran

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    That's the one! Much kinder Joanna, one of them you look forward to..the other, you hope you never have the misfortune to hear again!! Maybe 'chuck it in a bucket' will become a new catchphrase.. (already is in my house. lol)
  2. Fran

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    I could swear I heard Chris advertising Car Polish a few minutes ago! Hee hee, I do hope so... otherwise, I'm in need of a bit of a rest.
  3. Fran

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    Thank you. :-) Thanks Mike. Tried that and it doesn't seem to have worked, but at least I can get a smile by doing this : - ) - must be my firewall or something. :-)
  4. Fran

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    All pics appreciated Mike, although I'm not sure what to say about that one.. Was I imagining it last night, or did I hear Chris's dulcet tones doing a voiceover for Blue Planet'somewhere'...? It was an ad on Granada in the middle of Primeval? P.S. My smilies aren't working...
  5. Fran

    Bar Stewards - Darwen Tower Video Blog

    Several words occurred to me after watching that – determination, dedication, commitment, perseverance!.... ...Baltic..brass monkeys.. rather you than me… ooh and Kit Kat! Must go buy one! Loved Cops description of the wind (with Wiggy’s assistance. Lol) Thanks to all those who suffered for...
  6. Fran

    Happy Birthday Chris!

    Have a great day!
  7. Fran

    Bar Stewards... Out takes!

    Hee Hee! Brilliant, thanks Mike. Loved the one where Chris didn’t actually say anything despite all the apparent thought he was putting into it! lol, and there’s just something infectious about Bertie and Chris giggling. Love it. I’m not sure how you all manage to get through the filming...
  8. Fran

    Breaking news (waterloogate shocker)

    Biscuit Snaffling!! Crumbs! :huh: Thanks Wiggy. :)C Hee hee. Loved your chat with Chris –it made me realise I’m not the only one that has odd conversations occassionally! Not going to comment on the clothing or the axe… the mind boggles. :dIZZy: Sigh of relief, I’m all prepared for the...
  9. revelation3


  10. confused2


  11. crunch1


  12. inevitable3


  13. karl jealous

    karl jealous

  14. keepquiet


  15. Fran

    sorry about missing FF

    :huh: Now I'm worried!
  16. Fran

    sorry about missing FF

    Sorry you’re poorly Wiggy. :( I wouldn’t wish bad tonsilitis on anyone, I used to get it a lot and words can’t describe how painful it can be or how crap it can make you feel, so you have all my sympathy. Don’t worry about the vid, put it up when you’re feeling a bit better.
  17. Fran

    Problems with logging in - here's what to do

    Yep, worked for me too. :) It's weird not having to try, try and try (and try!) again!
  18. Fran

    Problems with logging in - here's what to do

    Yay! It works! Thanks Cop. :)
  19. Fran

    Problems with logging in - here's what to do

    It wouldn't click back to any other page though. :G :confused: :)C So, I thought I'd have another go to see if constant clicking would bring back the home page eventually...and what happens... I get logged in first time and can't perform my experiment! :rolleyes: I give up. :-oP
  20. Fran

    Problems with logging in - here's what to do

    um...sorry Mike, it didn't work for me. When I click the back button it almost instantly returns to the same page with themessage and refreshing brings it back in mili seconds too. In the end I tried a new method, cos persistence wasn't working the way it usually does... I clicked "Log In"...