Note from These are comments from people who saw rough cut and unedited footage at BBC North in 2002. Comments should not be seen as any reflection on the final product.
The name's Mark although I appreciate there was so much going on on Wednesday night it was very easy to forget. First of all let me congratulate you and your team on one of the most entertaining pieces of cinematography I have seen in a long time. The scene with the "dead" body was priceless. In my opinion, the British Film industry needs an innovative darkly comic project such as yours to give us all a kick up the backside. (Plus it beats endless sepia toned arty shorts featuring rocks and flowers!!!!) I really cannot express how much I loved "bad lad", so much so that all I have done at work since Wednesday is rave about it to anybody who would listen (and even when they weren't). The idea to have "Tommy" there in the flesh as it were on Wednesday night was a stroke of marketing genius and numerous people especially the loudmouth sat next to me were outraged by his mannerisms. Forget your detractors, this is a grade A piece of work which deserves everything that ids no doubt coming to it. This is precisely the reason why I approached yourself and Michael to offer my services in assisting you complete the project from either being a lowly runner or to pitching in with the camerawork with my trusty XL-1's. My company, Abstract Harmony was set up last April after many years of Hi-8 VHS "Classics" such as 'Biohazard', 'Murder Condition Ted' & 'Vox Populi'. Essentially it was set up as mainly a copyright protection for my oppo, james who after taking a year out will be attending Stafford Uni for their film course, whilst I on the other hand decided to take our Hi-8 shennanigans to the next level... The idea of Abstract Harmony is to self-finance my own low/no-budget projects with commercial ventures. Within 6 months of setting the company up I had a music promo on Vh-1 (a very proud moment) and an EPK for a major record label (both of which have ended up on the bands recent CD release). I am currently editing a longform live concert video for release in mid May/early June (That is if I can stop watching DVD's long enough to finish it!!). My own projects are of a darkish nature and are not intentionally humorous. I currently have three scripts written ready to shoot this year but after witnessing the epiphany that was "Bad-Lad" on Wenesday decided to offer the services of myself and my company. We shoot on Mini DV (Cost!!!, what can I say!) on XL-1's, we own 2 camera's and have access to 7 more, I also have great access to a former lighting cameraman for Cosgrove Hall (with his own lighting equipment) and one of the best sound engineer's (in my opinion anyway!!) in Stockport. We edit on-line on a Mac based Final Cut Pro 2 (although I-movie does give great results!!!) and output to a DV/VHS deck. As I have said above I really believe in "Bad-Lad" and would be more than happy to assist in any way possible. And, unlike most of the people in this business, I am willing to help out for free (apart from the obligatory credit and copy of the finished article on VHS!!!) Unfortunately if any filming is to be done Monday to Friday I shall need a bit of notice so I can make sure I can have the day's off (although this shouldn't be a problem!!). Weekends? I'm free all of the time! So please get in touch if any assistance is required. Hope to speak to you soon Mark Cookson P.S. - Sorry for boring you to death with this lengthy mail! P.P.S. - Just read your other mail, I'll see you in the week at the Salford preview screening. See you
The name's Mark although I appreciate there was so much going on on Wednesday night it was very easy to forget. First of all let me congratulate you and your team on one of the most entertaining pieces of cinematography I have seen in a long time. The scene with the "dead" body was priceless. In my opinion, the British Film industry needs an innovative darkly comic project such as yours to give us all a kick up the backside. (Plus it beats endless sepia toned arty shorts featuring rocks and flowers!!!!) I really cannot express how much I loved "bad lad", so much so that all I have done at work since Wednesday is rave about it to anybody who would listen (and even when they weren't). The idea to have "Tommy" there in the flesh as it were on Wednesday night was a stroke of marketing genius and numerous people especially the loudmouth sat next to me were outraged by his mannerisms. Forget your detractors, this is a grade A piece of work which deserves everything that ids no doubt coming to it. This is precisely the reason why I approached yourself and Michael to offer my services in assisting you complete the project from either being a lowly runner or to pitching in with the camerawork with my trusty XL-1's. My company, Abstract Harmony was set up last April after many years of Hi-8 VHS "Classics" such as 'Biohazard', 'Murder Condition Ted' & 'Vox Populi'. Essentially it was set up as mainly a copyright protection for my oppo, james who after taking a year out will be attending Stafford Uni for their film course, whilst I on the other hand decided to take our Hi-8 shennanigans to the next level... The idea of Abstract Harmony is to self-finance my own low/no-budget projects with commercial ventures. Within 6 months of setting the company up I had a music promo on Vh-1 (a very proud moment) and an EPK for a major record label (both of which have ended up on the bands recent CD release). I am currently editing a longform live concert video for release in mid May/early June (That is if I can stop watching DVD's long enough to finish it!!). My own projects are of a darkish nature and are not intentionally humorous. I currently have three scripts written ready to shoot this year but after witnessing the epiphany that was "Bad-Lad" on Wenesday decided to offer the services of myself and my company. We shoot on Mini DV (Cost!!!, what can I say!) on XL-1's, we own 2 camera's and have access to 7 more, I also have great access to a former lighting cameraman for Cosgrove Hall (with his own lighting equipment) and one of the best sound engineer's (in my opinion anyway!!) in Stockport. We edit on-line on a Mac based Final Cut Pro 2 (although I-movie does give great results!!!) and output to a DV/VHS deck. As I have said above I really believe in "Bad-Lad" and would be more than happy to assist in any way possible. And, unlike most of the people in this business, I am willing to help out for free (apart from the obligatory credit and copy of the finished article on VHS!!!) Unfortunately if any filming is to be done Monday to Friday I shall need a bit of notice so I can make sure I can have the day's off (although this shouldn't be a problem!!). Weekends? I'm free all of the time! So please get in touch if any assistance is required. Hope to speak to you soon Mark Cookson P.S. - Sorry for boring you to death with this lengthy mail! P.P.S. - Just read your other mail, I'll see you in the week at the Salford preview screening. See you