Come on people this was a pretty weak season opener! Of all the possible stories, they come up with some nonsense about a fat pill and making baby aliens out of fat! The CGI wasn't even acceptable!
As soon as I see anything like that on screen, making baby noises, waving, winking, laughing, screaming it completely destroys the illusion for me. Same thing with the latter three Star Wars movies, too many CGI'd slapstick moments. Yes the show is aimed at kids but like the original Star Wars films Dr. Who is also aimed at adults. There needs to be a middle ground to please both audiences. I just found it stupid.
As I was watching I just felt I'd seen it all before. Some shadowy alien race or organisation hiding behind some corporate facade picking on weak earthlings to benefit themselves. Dr. Who is about TIME TRAVEL. For the first in a new series I wanted to be smaked in the face and wowed with a rollocking adventure and an original narrative. But no it's set on earth in present day. I don't mind some eps being set in present day on earth (and I know budget restrictions probably dictate) but I watch a programme like this for escapism. You don't have to have a big budget to write an easily filmable brilliant story with quality actors. The thousands that must have been spent on those animated slabs of lard could have been spent on creating a brilliant set in which to film a great story.
I am just slightly bemused that Russell and the rest of the creative team sat down for a story conference and decided that this was a strong way to open a new series. The story wasn't even strong enough to be anywhere in the series in my opinion.
I am just a bit disappointed because I feel they waste oppotunities sometimes. Some of the stories have been great in the last 3 years but some have not. The older Dr. Whos had even lesser budgets but alot of the stories were fantastic and downright chilling and scary. I am often not watching on the edge of my seat because I never really believe the Dr. is in any real danger. The writers put him in interesting situations and for a few seconds I am excited about the prospect of the Dr using his experience and ingenuity to get out of a tight spot. But then he just wafts his Sonic magic wand in the general direction of the problem and hey presto the bad situation is rectified in a pretty boring and predictable way. That screwdriver allows the writing to be lazy and all too often dead ends are always remedied by it.
I also find the general tone a little too slapstick and light-hearted at times. I think this is what prevents me from buying into the doctors situations. A bit of the eccentricity that Tennant brings to the character is good but I only truly become engaged by the character and his performance when this jokey exterior is dropped and he becomes more serious. David does this really well and delivers an intensity that should be woven more into all of the storylines.
Don't get me wrong, I quite like Russells Dr. Who revival. At times it is outstanding but too often this is countered with weak storylines and too much slapstick. There must be a very talented bunch of creatives working on 'Who', people who should be at the top of their games if they are making one of the BBC's flagship programmes. Each show will be extensively planned and pre-visualised so I don't think there are really any excuses for delivering bad episodes. I think at the moment its about 60% really good and 40% could be much better, but we should be receiving 13 excellent episodes!
Ok rant over...It just got to me that we didn't get an amazing episode to kick things off. The jury is still out on the chemistry between Donna and the Doctor but on a lighter note next weeks looks very promising from the trailer. I am guessing it will be an excellent episode. Lets hope so.